Interessante links
Mari van de Ven - Overall Project Leader, Coordination with RWS, LEF Future Centre, Huis van Verbeelding. | INCOSE EMEA-WS 2019
INCOSE staat voor: International Council on Systems Engineering. INCOSE is een non-profit vereniging opgericht in 1990 met als doel het bevorderen van de toepassing en ontwikkeling van Systems Engineering. | INCOSE-NL
CM2/IpX, Institute for Process Excellence - Provide the blueprint for sustainable business and digital transformation | IpX-Headquarters US
IpX Europe CM2 Courses - Configurationmanagement | IpX Europe
"What's the R.O.I.?", Joseph Anderson - President IpX, openingspresentatie tijdens CM2 congres 2019. |
"IpX President Joseph Anderson opened IpX Congres 2019 with a demand for organizations to Wake Up. Product and process defects, especially those that cause harm, should not be the accepted norm. Stop asking "What's the ROI?" or "What's the business justification?" and start understanding that enterprise improvements and changes can't be achieved without first inspiring, empowering and engaging the people."